Following today’s announcement from the Chief Inspector of His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) that Cleveland Police is being removed from “special measures” – Police and Crime Commissioner Steve Turner has formally written to local stakeholders.
He has expressed his thanks to Cleveland’s public, the Force and his own team, who have all played a part in getting to this crucial point in the Forces improvement journey.
The letter highlights that on his election in May 2021, the force had not made any significant improvements on its 2019 inspection report. The report graded it as inadequate in all areas.
Restoring pride and public confidence
Mr Turner said, “I saw it as my duty to restore public confidence and pride in Cleveland Police by providing a clear strategic direction, increased accountability and greater support for the hard-working teams that form our organisation”.
In this letter, the PCC thanks the public for their support and his own team for reforming every aspect of their office. That has included strengthening the scrutiny and accountability process and implementing a unique independent complaints procedure.
He commends Chief Constable Mark Webster and the force’s new leadership team.
He said: “Mark’s outstanding leadership and unwavering dedication are some of the key reasons why the force is in this positive position today.”
Mr Turner goes on to single out the newly-implemented local policing model and a better working environment for officers as other integral changes Mr Webster has made.
Mr Turner acknowledges that these improvements set the key foundations, which the force must now build on if it is to progress to being among the best in the country.
He has re-affirmed his determination to see Cleveland Police as “a beacon for excellence and best practice where residents and businesses feel safe, secure in the knowledge that their force is one they can rely on and be proud of”.