FOI Request
I would like to request under the freedom of information act as much information as possible within the cost limit on all of the reports/complaints/arrests made against SIA license holders, filed since January 2014 till the present day.
I understand some information may be redacted but I would like as much information as possible within the cost limit and for it to be in a digital format to again limit the cost of the request.
FOI Response
I have taken SIA Licenses to mean Security Industry Authority Licenses, and I have based my response on that notion.
Regarding your request I can now inform you that I have completed my enquiries and that my reply on behalf of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland is as follows.
The Office of the Police & Crime Commission for Cleveland has no recorded information on this subject.
s16 of the Act requires me to try and assist you in seeking the information you request, to that end the information you seek may be held by Cleveland Police on their website.
Date responded: 11 May 2018