In 2013, the Police and Crime Commissioner entered into a three-year contract with an option to extend for a further two years for the provision of insurance services.
In 2016, a decision was made to extend the contract in line with the terms for a two-year period. This decision was based on the fact that the Force’s risk profile had not changed and therefore it was deemed that a market competition would not add value at that time.
In 2017, the insurance premiums increased by an average of 60% across the casualty classes as a result of the Ogden ruling. The contract end date is 31 May 2018.
Crown Commercial Services has an Insurance Services 11 Framework RM3731, which enables a compliant route to market.
Using such a Framework reduces the procurement costs and also reduces the timescales in the tendering process as suppliers on the Framework are already commercially compliant. Lot 1 – Insurance and Associated Services was chosen and a mini competition carried out with
- 22 of the 26 suppliers within this Lot (4 suppliers did not provide cover for the categories required).
The mini-competition was split and suppliers were invited to bid for individual insurance categories or all insurance categories.
Three suppliers responded to the mini competition and submitted a bid. The appendix to this decision record form contains full details of the procurement process and outcome
Decision DRF-PDF-81611. Award of Insurance contracts (application, 350kB)