Cleveland Police currently have an Integrated Communications Control System (ICCS.)
The system’s hardware is old technology and no longer able to support necessary upgrades. In addition, there is no facility at the M8 fall back site.
In 2018, Central Government will start its roll out of the Airwaves replacement, the Emergency Services Network (ESN).
There is a requirement for the Control Room to be Emergency Services Network (ESN) compliant by September 2017.
The initial plan from the ESN Central Project Team was for the first of the Airwave user organisations to migrate to the replacement network.
However, this has been delayed at present. There has been no communication confirming a revised date for Control Rooms to be ESN compliant.
Kent and Essex
Kent and Essex Procurement Function have recently tendered and awarded a national framework contract for ICCS which is available for Cleveland to use. This contract has been awarded to a single supplier and therefore no further competition exercises are required.
South Yorkshire
South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner has recently tendered and awarded a contract for Smart Works to a single provider. This contract is a national contract and available for Cleveland to use. ICCS is a product available under this contract, supplied by a partner to the lead contractor.
The Benefits
Both the Kent and Essex and South Yorkshire contracts enable a compliant route to market.
Using such a Framework reduces the procurement costs. It also reduces the timescales in the tendering process. This is because suppliers on the Framework are already commercially compliant.
The ICCS provision under both contracts is supplied by the same contractor; this is as lead contractor with Kent and Essex and a sub-contract arrangement via the South Yorkshire contract.
The solution available under both frameworks will enable a mirror of that utilised by both North Yorkshire and Durham which could be an enabler for future collaboration.
The benefits from Bidder 2 the South Yorkshire Framework include:
Developing relationships with existing partner to the PCC and Force;
ICCS back end if not hosted on Cleveland servers, therefore if the Cleveland IT Servers were lost, the control room could still function;
Decision 23298. Communications Control System decision (application, 380kB)