Cleveland Police currently has a physical data centre at Police HQ.
The centre consists of server racks, which hold all of the key applications and software required to operate the Force.
As part of the scoping exercise for the new Community Safety Hub (CSH,) it was identified that costs to build a like for like centre were significant and alternative options were investigated.
The Police and Crime Commissioner approved the award of the Data Centre Cloud Services Contract in 2016.
The contractor has two data centres based in Milton Keynes and Edinburgh. Network links have been commissioned from Ladgate Lane and Middlehaven to Edinburgh.
To support the encryption of data across the links to meet the Official Sensitive classification firewalls will be deployed. The procurement is for the hardware to support this and three years support. Hardware deployed to Ladgate Lane will be moved to the CSH.
Crown Commercial Services have a Technology Products 2 Framework RM3733 which enables a compliant route to market.
Using such a Framework reduces the procurement costs and also reduces the timescales in the tendering process as suppliers on the Framework are already commercially compliant.
Lot 1 – Hardware was chosen and a mini competition commenced with all 30 suppliers within this Lot.
Three suppliers responded to the mini competition and submitted a bid, these were evaluated purely in price.