The OPCC is a team of experts, who help and support the PCC.
The Senior Management Team (SMT) is responsible for the day-to-day running of the office.
Senior Management Team

Lisa Oldroyd. Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer
Since 2021, Lisa has worked as Cleveland OPCC’s Chief Executive.
Her role is to support and advise the PCC as well as providing leadership of the team.
She must also make sure the PCC’s vision, strategy and priorities are carried out. Lisa also helps to provide rigorous scrutiny.
In addition, the Chief Executive is the Monitoring Officer. She must identify any breach of the law, maladministration or injustice.
Legally, every Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) must have a Chief Executive.
(F/T salary: £100,740)
Michael Porter. Chief Finance Officer and Deputy Chief Executive

(Also Chief Finance Officer for the Office of the Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire)
The Chief Finance Officer (CFO) is the PCC’s financial adviser, helping the OPCC to make sure it can resource and deliver its strategic objectives.
(FTE Salary £105,309, per 37 hour week)*

Rachelle Kipling. Head of Policy, Partnerships and Delivery
Rachelle’s role is to work effectively across the policing, community safety and criminal justice partnership landscape.
She leads and manages the delivery of the Police and Crime Plan as well as OPCC functions including business support, strategy and policy, commissioning, monitoring and evaluation of delivery.
In addition, she occupies the statutory role of Data Protection Officer.
Rachelle’s responsibilities include the following:
- Development and delivery of the Police and Crime Plan;
- Strategy and Policy development
- Partnerships;
- Strategic Needs Assessment and Commissioning
(FTE salary: £78,807)
John Holden, Head of Cleveland Unit for the Reduction of Violence (CURV)
John provides senior strategic leadership for CURV, leading a multi-agency effort to prevent and reduce serious violence in Cleveland. He coordinates key partners and agencies to implement a collaborative and sustainable violence reduction strategy, ensuring delivery against shared outcomes.

John’s responsibilities:
- Develop and implement a new operating model for CURV, emphasizing collaboration and place-based working.
- Lead the CURV team to efficiently deliver on key priorities and objectives.
- Provide strategic advice to the CURV Governance Group and the Police and Crime Commissioner.
- Secure funding through evidence-based bids and oversee financial accountability.
- Coordinate projects and manage resources effectively to achieve sustainable outcomes.
- Collaborate with local and national stakeholders to influence violence prevention policies.
(FTE salary: £73,323)
Elise pout, Head of Standards, Scrutiny & Accountability
Elise’s role as a Strategic Scrutiny and Accountability Manager is to lead the development and delivery of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s strategic Scrutiny and Accountability programme. Drive transparency, ethics, and performance improvement within the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC).
Elise’s Key Responsibilities include:
- Develop comprehensive scrutiny and accountability initiatives based on evidence.
- Coordinate standards, scrutiny, and complaints resolution functions.
- Represent the Commissioner as required, including acting as Deputy Monitoring Officer.
- Ensure compliance with legal duties and transparency requirements.
- Manage engagement with Cleveland Police on ethics and standards.
Hannah Smith, Head of Communications, Digital Media and Engagement
Hannah is responsible for a four-person communications team. They have responsibility for all aspects of communication and engagement conducted by the OPCC and PCC with internal and external audiences.

Her team is responsible for the following:
- The production of publications, graphics and videos;
- Public engagement and consultation;
- Pro-active communications activity;
- Working with the media and dealing with their enquiries;
- Management of the OPCC website and social media pages.
Organisation chart
OPCC Organisation Chart – May 2024 (application, 7MB)
Demographic information
This information has been provided by Cleveland Police’s Human Resources department. It has been collected via Equal Opportunities Monitoring data.
Total staff
35 (excludes volunteers and committee members)
Percentage identifying as female
Percentage disclosing a disability
(54.29% did not disclose their status)
Percentage identifying as Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic (BAME)
(22..8% of OPCC staff did not disclose their ethnicity)