The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland is proud to host a community trigger training session delivered by ASB Help. This will be a virtual training session delivered on Wednesday 28th September, 9:30am-12:30pm.
Tackling antisocial behaviour head-on is a key priority as part of Cleveland PCC Steve Turner’s Police and Crime Plan. Cleveland had the highest rate of ASB in the country during 2020 and Steve Turner saw first-hand the impact the behaviour has on individuals, families and communities. Steve is very keen to raise awareness of community trigger and see support for victims come as a result of it.
The presentation for the day will be around the following objectives:
– To know what antisocial behaviour is and the impact that it has
– To have a better understanding of the tools available to address antisocial behaviour
– To understand the purpose of the community trigger, the threshold and the process
This event is aimed at:
– Professionals with an interest in tackling antisocial behaviour
– Police
– Local Authorities
– Housing providers
– Health providers
– Community groups
– Victim services
Register your place today!