Cleveland Police has been selected as one of the pilot forces to implement a new civil order which will provide further protection to victims of domestic abuse.
The new civil Domestic Abuse Protection Notice (DAPN) will provide immediate protection following a domestic abuse incident and the new Domestic Abuse Protection Order (DAPO) will provide flexible, longer term protection for victims. These new orders will replace the current Domestic Violence Protection Notices (DVPNs) and Domestic Violence Protection Orders (DVPOs).
DAPOs require forces to actively monitor compliance. Breaching a DAPO is a criminal offence and can result in five years imprisonment, a fine or both.
Cleveland Police and Crime Commissioner Matt Storey said: “As well as holding abusers to account for the harm they cause, it’s important police use a range of powers to protect victims and survivors from further harm.
“These new protection orders offer Cleveland Police a more powerful tool to tackle domestic abuse, imposing more wide-reaching restrictions on perpetrators and greater consequences for breaches.
“As one of the few police forces in the country to trial the orders, I will be closely monitoring how their use in the Cleveland Police area helps to keep victims and survivors safe.”
Cleveland Police’s Chief Superintendent Caroline McGlade said: “Tackling domestic abuse and protecting victims is a priority for Cleveland Police. Every victim of domestic abuse deserves the absolute best service and we need to do all we can to safeguard them.
“Unlike some existing protections, which can only be enforced for 28 days, the new Domestic Abuse Protection Orders will have no time restrictions, meaning victims are protected for as long as needed to stay safe.
“Friends and family of victims will also be able to apply for the new orders on behalf of the victim, as well as victims themselves and the police. This will reduce victim engagement with the criminal justice system, if necessary as we know this is a process which can be daunting for some victims.”
The DAPN/DAPO pilot commences from today (5 March 2025) and last for two years. The pilot will then be evaluated externally.
Key features of DAPOs
The DAPO will not have a minimum or maximum duration.
Breach of any DAPO requirement, without reasonable excuse, will be a criminal offence; carrying a maximum penalty of up to five years imprisonment, a fine or both.
Positive requirements can be imposed under a DAPO; mandating the perpetrator to take a positive action such as attendance on a perpetrator behaviour change programme.
If you’re experiencing domestic abuse please visit our website for details of organisation that can provide support, including the police.