The Identification and Referral to Improve Safety (IRIS) project was funded to 30 November 2022.
IRIS has demonstrated positive and significant outcomes. They were outlined in a report provided by the project coordinator in November 2022.
During consecutive IRIS Board Meetings from mid-2022, the service provider asked partners including police, health and Middlesbrough Council to contribute. This was to allow IRIS to continue.
Partners agreed that any additional funding would only be considered if there was potential for the project to be extended into the other three Cleveland local authorities. Previously, the project had been focussed on Middlesbrough.
A national representative of the IRIS organisation said that IRIS had been funded with early indications of positive outcomes by Violence Reduction Units, including Greater London.
Following discussions within the Cleveland OPCC, it was agreed to get more information from the Greater London VRU.
Early discussions and evidence provided by Greater London indicated that IRIS has demonstrated positive outcomes.
It was agreed that CURV would provide a small amount of funding (£8,000) to provide a project extension to 31 March 2023 .
Longer-term funding and expansion of IRIS across Cleveland should be explored in the meantime.