In April 2022, Cleveland were notified that it would be in receipt of three-year Violence Reduction Unit funding from the Home Office.
In Cleveland, the Unit will be known as CURV – Cleveland Unit for the Reduction of Violence.
The OPCC is required to lead in bringing together organisations and agencies. CURV will enable partners to take a public health approach to serious violence. It will develop a long-term, preventative approach.
In August 2022, the OPCC launched a £500,000 funding opportunity for interventions to reduce violent crime (PCC launches £500,000 fund for interventions to reduce violent crime – Cleveland Police and Crime Commissioner).
Following the application deadline, 47 applications for funding were received. A small panel of the PCC, OPCC, Probation Service North East and a Voluntary Community Sector representative reviewed applications and decided on the successful bids.
CURV will fund all successful bids for a six-month period from 1 October 2022 to 31 March 2023. They all must take part in evaluation processes.
The successful bids, including the amount awarded and a brief outline, can be found on Appendix A to this decision.
A small number of bids are awaiting additional clarity. If they are supported, they will be confirmed in a separate decision record form.