Decision Summary
In April 2022, Cleveland’s the Home Office notified the OPCC about its successful application for a Violence Reduction Unit (VRU)
As a result, Cleveland Unit for the Reduction of Violence’ (CURV)was established. Home office funding for the unit was spread over three years.
CURV will bring together all partners and stakeholders to develop and deliver an intelligence-led strategy.
The strategy will aim to reduce serious violence throughout Cleveland through a Public Health approach.
Funding opportunity
In August 2022, the OPCC launched a £500,000 funding opportunity for interventions to support the reduction of violent crime:
PCC launches £500,000 fund for interventions to reduce violent crime).
As part of this funding, Hartlepool Borough Council secured £30,585 to support a crime prevention plan for the night time economy (NTE).
Following Hartlepool Borough Council’s success, the borough councils of Redcar and Cleveland, Stockton and Middlesbrough were invited to review their NTE crime prevention plans. They were asked to submit applications for CURV funding.
Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council submitted an application for £28,760.28 to support their NTE Crime Prevention Plan, which was based around five strands of activity, including:
- NTE Safety Campaign. The ‘Ask for Angela’ initiative forms the basis of this initiative with funding to help improve awareness.
- Engagement (Community/Business). The council will engage with the Borough’s business community to promote ‘Ask for Angela’, to encourage crime prevention activity and reporting of crime as well as promote the PCC’s COPA app.
- Training. Training will be provided to licensed premise staff in support of the ‘Ask for Angela’ campaign, and restaurants, takeaways, and transport services will be offered/provided awareness training.
- Redcar CCTV Control Room. Additional CCTV staff will be employed to cover peak times.
- Redcar Beacons. Support will be offered to assist in the relaunch of the dedicated street-based volunteer group.
The application from Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council was assessed by CURV. This was to ensure consistency with Hartlepool Borough Council’s application
After a series of follow up questions were answered, the application was approved for a 4-month period from the 1st December 2022 – 31st March 2023.