The Integrated Offender Management (IOM) Prison Officer helps to provide a comprehensive picture in respect of an offender’s risk factors and needs.
This helps the team to support an offender, protect the public and reduce the risk of re-offending.
This resource will enhance the team in the multi-agency IOM Hub.
This decision should be read in conjunction with decision ref: 02 – 2015.
HMPS has agreed to deduct the cost of the building lease from the original hub proposal.
HMPS funded two prison officer posts until June 2015. Changes to HMPS funding arrangements has meant that is is no longer able to continue funding these roles.
One post has been funded by Middlesbrough Troubled Families and a request was made to the PCC to provide grant funding for the second post.
Decision 33. Secondment to the Integrated Offender Management Scheme (application, 154kB)